Wastewater from
the wine industry
With over 15 years’ experience, COMS sets the standard for the treatment of wastewater from the wine industry. Using state-of-the-art technology, such as MBR reactors, we ensure solutions for production companies that are among the most heterogeneous in terms of quantity of wine produced. We are therefore able to ensure the functional flexibility that the system must have in relation to load variations in cellars that carry out the entire production cycle, from vinification to bottling.
The design of a winery wastewater treatment plant requires detailed knowledge of the production cycles.
production peaks.
Nel vitivinicolo assume grande importanza il ruolo della vasca di accumulo, come polmone per affrontare i periodi della vendemmia.
This also makes it possible to give the MBRs the only attention they require, i.e. the rate of flow across the membrane: a study of the plant’s work schedule ensures that peak loads can be equalised by means of a reservoir tank. The accumulated wastewater will then be treated during the winery’s off-peak periods.
We have collaborated in the construction of wastewater treatment plants for wineries that carry out: