Wastewater from the laundry
dry-cleaning and dyeworks sector
The laundry sector is characterised by the most heterogeneous activities (self-service laundries, stone-washing, industrial laundries, dry-cleaners and dyeworks, etc.) and therefore can be differentiated according to the quantities of wastewater produced per day. The services offered by these companies have a strong impact on the environment due to the large quantities of water required during the production cycle and the contamination that the products impart to the discharge. This is why the design of wastewater treatment plants for this sector must take special requirements into account.
Wastewater from laundries is highly contaminated and primarily contains the following pollutants:
Plants that incorporate water re-use.
COMS propone la sostituzione degli impianti tipo chimico-fisico e fanghi attivi con quelli di nuova concezione tipo MBR.
MBR reactors not only guarantee high standards of quality for the purified effluent, but also offer the potential of recovering a large part of it (up to 80%) for re-use in washing while replacing only the water that evaporates due to heat. This option also allows for operational flexibility, and is therefore well suited to seasonal activities or varying hydraulic loads.
We have collaborated in the construction of wastewater treatment plants to serve the laundry, dry-cleaning and dyeworks sector handling: